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copyright February 2006 (Muharram 1427)

(updated December 2013 - Safar 1435)



  1. It is prohibited for a Muhrim to hunt an animal whether it be in the Haram or outside the Haram.


  1. It is prohibited to hunt in the Haram, ( whether in Ihraam or not), due to its sanctity.


  1. All those things which a Muhrim is not permitted to kill, one is not allowed to kill in the Haram, whether one is in Ihraam or not.


  1. If a Muhrim or non-Muhrim chased the hunt of the Hil into the Haram, then it is compulsory to let go of it as it will now be considered as the hunt of the Haram and killing it now will attract the respective penalty.


  1. The penalty for killing a prohibited animal within the Haram boundary, (whether by a Muhrim or not),  is either:


(A) To sacrifice, (within the Haram boundary), a similar animal or an animal similar in size to the prohibited animal killed, the meat of which being distributed within the Haram boundary.


(B) or to attach a price to the value of the animal killed and this amount could be distributed in   charity to the equivalent of a complete Sadaqatul Fitr to each person anywhere, and not necessarily within the Haram.


(C) or to fast a number of days equivalent to the number of poor persons that could have received a complete Sadaqatul Fitr from the price attached in (b) above.  This fasting could be done anywhere, and not necessarily within the Haram.


  1. The size or value of such an animal injured, or killed, will be determined by two pious Muslims.


  1. The prohibited animal killed by a Muhrim will be considered to be carrion and cannot be consumed by anybody.


  1. If a dead fledgling emerges from a prohibited animal's broken egg  then the price of this fledgling will also have to be paid.


  1. If two Muhrims participate in the killing of a prohibited animal then each person will have to pay the full Jazaa.


  1. If a Muhrim kills a prohibited pregnant animal and the newborn dies thereafter, then the full Jazaa will have to be paid for both the mother and the newborn.


  1. If a non-Muhrim hunted an animal, (which is normally prohibited whilst in Ihraam), and then entered into Ihraam, he will have to leave such an animal as is.  However, if such an animal died in his possession after the hunter has become a Muhrim, then the full Jazaa will have to be borne.


  1. Jazaa will also have to be paid by a Muhrim who kills a prohibited animal either in error or due to forgetfulness.


  1. A Muhrim is allowed to eat meat of an animal which is normally prohibited to be hunted in the state of Ihraam as long as the Muhrim did not have a hand in its killing.


  1. It is Haraam for a Muhrim to buy or sell a hunted animal and his transaction will be considered null and void.


  1. If two non-Muhrims hunted a prohibited animal within the Haram boundary, only one Jazaa will be due between them.


  1. A Muhrim is allowed to fish.


  1. Dangerous animals, which are a threat to life, (e.g. snakes, scorpions, wild dogs, etc.), can be killed by a Muhrim  in order to prevent serious harm or loss to one’s life without any obligatory Jazaa.


  1. Zabah of Jaiz animals, or to eat of their eggs, is permissible.


  1. It is not permissible to kill those animals that do not harm one.


  1. Penalty becomes Waajeeb upon killing of a pigeon, even if it be a tame and trained one.


  1. While in Ihraam, it is not permissible to kill a wild duck as it is considered as “prey”.


  1. It is permissible to kill any animal which is born in the ocean, even if it lives on land, such as frogs, crabs, tortoises, turtles, etc.







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To kill such prohibited animals.

As outlined in Note 5a, 5b or 5c below.
To point out such animals to a hunter who in turn kills them.

As outlined in Note 5a, 5b or 5c below.

To hurt such animals, to damage their limbs, to cut off their wings, to break their eggs, or to milk them in such a manner that the injury so caused has not made the animal helpless.
Sadaqah equivalent to the value of such injury.
To aid a hunter to do as in (c) above.

Sadaqah equivalent to the value of such injury.

As in (c), but the injury incurred on the animal is such that it has made the animal helpless.
Sadaqah equivalent to the value of the animal.
To aid a hunter in doing as in (e) above.

Sadaqah equivalent to the value of the animal.