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copyright February 2006 (Muharram 1427)

(updated December 2013 - Safar 1435)


  1. To be in the state of Ihraam, (with all its restrictions), before entering the Meeqaat.  


  1. To be free from both major and minor impurities when performing the Tawaaf of Umrah.


  1. To ensure that the “aurah” is covered before, and during, the Tawaaf.


  1. To say the Niyyat for the Tawaaf without which it will be rendered null and void.


  1. To make the Tawaaf on foot, unless a valid Shar’ee reason dictates otherwise.


  1. To commence the Tawaaf from Hajr-e- Aswad.


  1. To move towards the right after performing the Istilaam.


  1. To keep the left shoulder, and not the chest, towards the Kaabaah during the Tawaaf.


  1. To encircle the Hateem during the Tawaaf.


  1. To complete all seven circuits of the Tawaaf.


  1. To add six more circuits for the one who intentionally completes eight circuits of this Tawaaf.  


  1. To perform 2 Rakaats Salaat after the Tawaaf. (This Salaat is to be deferred if it is a Makrooh time).


  1. To repeat these 2 Rakaats if they were prayed at a Makrooh time.


  1. To ensure that the “aurah” is covered before, and during, the Sa’ee.


  1. To perform Sa’ee for Umrah.


  1. To walk humbly during Sa’ee.


  1. To perform Sa’ee on foot unless a valid Shar’ee reason dictates otherwise.


  1. To complete all seven circuits of Sa’ee.


  1. To perform Sa’ee with Ihraam.


  1. To cover the entire distance between Safa and Marwa in each circuit.


  1. To commence Sa’ee at Safa and end at Marwa.


  1. For men, to shave or trim at least a quarter of the head, (Halq/Qasr), on completion of the Sa’ee in order to be released from Ihraam.  (Does not apply to the Mufrid or the Qaarin).


  1. To have the Halq/Qasr within the boundaries of the Haram.


  1. To simply pass the razor over the head of a bald person as if he was being shaved.


  1. To shave the head completely if the hair is less than one-third the size of one’s forefinger.


  1. To slaughter two goats or sheep as penalty by a Qaarin who violates the laws of Ihraam by shaving or trimming his hair after performing Umrah.




If any of the Waajeeb acts is overlooked because of a valid Shar’ee reason, then the Jazaa falls through.


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