



  1. To recite so loudly during Sa’ee that it disturbs the concentration of others.


  1. To chorus, (or sing), in Duaa, made by a Mu’allim, during Sa’ee.


  1. To delay the Sa’ee after any Tawaaf without a valid Shar’ee reason.


  1. To keep parts of the “aurah” uncovered during Sa’ee.


  1. To give up climbing up to some point at Safa and Marwa.


  1. To perform voluntary prayers at Marwa.


  1. For males, to walk slowly between the green lights, (=Meelayn), during Sa’ee, without a valid Shar’ee reason.


  1. Without a valid Shar’ee reason, to use a conveyance for Sa’ee.


  1. To observe long periods in between the circuits of Sa’ee, without a valid Shar’ee reason.


  1. Without a valid Shar’ee reason, to perform the circuits of Sa’ee intermittently.


  1. To talk in vain during Sa’ee.


  1. To buy and sell during Sa’ee.


  1. To delay the Sa’ee of Hajj beyond the months of Hajj without a valid Shar’ee reason.








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copyright February 2006 (Muharram 1427)

(updated December 2013 - Safar 1435)