



  1. To ensure that the “aurah” is covered before, and during, Sa’ee.


  1. To complete all seven circuits of Sa’ee, be it for Hajj or for Umrah.


  1. To walk humbly during Sa’ee.


  1. To perform Sa’ee on foot unless a valid Shar’ee reason dictates otherwise.


  1. To perform Sa’ee of Umrah with Ihraam.


  1. To cover the entire distance between Safa and Marwa in each circuit.


  1. To commence Sa’ee at Safa and end at Marwa.


  1. To perform Sa’ee by oneself.




  1. If any of the Waajeeb act is omitted either intentionally or through forgetfulness, the Hajj/Umrah will have been deemed to be valid.  However, Jazaa, (penalty), becomes Waajeeb.


  1. If any of the Waajeeb acts is overlooked because of a valid Shar’ee reason, then the Jazaa falls through.











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copyright February 2006 (Muharram 1427)

(updated December 2013 - Safar 1435)