To be pure from both major and minor impurities when performing any Tawaaf.
To ensure that the “aurah” is covered before, and during, any Tawaaf.
To say the Niyyat for any Tawaaf without which it will be rendered null and void.
To make any Tawaaf on foot, unless a valid Shar’ee reason dictates otherwise.
To commence any Tawaaf from Hajr-e-Aswad.
To move towards the right after performing the Istilaam.
To keep the left shoulder, and not the chest, towards the Kaabaah during any Tawaaf.
To encircle the Hateem during any Tawaaf.
To complete all seven circuits of any Tawaaf.
To add six more circuits for the one who intentionally completes eight circuits of
any Tawaaf.
To perform 2 Rakaats Salaat after every Tawaaf. (This Salaat is to be deferred if
it is a Makrooh time).
To repeat these 2 Rakaats if they were prayed at a Makrooh time.
To complete all the circuits of Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat on the same day if the majority
of these were performed on the 10th of Zil Hajj.
To perform Tawaaf-e-Widaa, (=Tawaaf-e-Sadr), for all those who normally reside outside
the Meeqaat, irrespective of the type of Hajj being performed. This is not applicable
to women who are ceremonially impure and have to leave Makkah due to a valid Shar’ee