to remove dirt from one’s body by using soap or any cleansing agent.
to comb the hair or beard in such a manner that hair falls out.
to pass the fingers through the beard in such a manner that hair falls out.
to scratch in such a manner that hair falls out.
to sew the two ends of the bottom piece of Ihraam if exposure of the “aurah” is not feared.
to tie a knot or pin in the Ihraam in order to hold the individual pieces in place.
to smell, handle or apply Itr.
to cover any part of the face with a cloth. (However, women are allowed to do so if they fear Fitnah, and even in such cases the cloth should not touch the face).
to eat sweet-smelling, uncooked food.
to engage in love-play, kissing or cohabitation.
to fight or quarrel or use bad language.
to hunt land-based game or point out such game to a hunter or aid him by providing a hunting weapon.
to harm or kill animals, unless they are dangerous.
to clip or shave the hair or to use creams to remove hair.
to place the forehead on a pillow with the face downwards.
for males to wear footwear which covers the shoelace and ankle area.
to apply a bandage to any part of the body without a valid Shar’ee reason.
to kill lice or remove them from the body.
to kill locusts.
to apply henna, (mendhi), or scented kohl.
to be bedecked with a garland of fragrant flowers.
to smell fragrant fruit or flowers.
to marry or enter into a contract of marriage.
to stand under the cloth of the Kaabaah in such a way that the cloth covers the face or head. (This applies to males only).
for men, to shave or trim less than a quarter of the head in order to be released from the Ihraam.
for males, to cover the head with a cloth or a headgear.
for males, to wear clothes stitched according to the shape of the body.
to break plants or trees within the Haram boundary either in Ihraam or out of Ihraam.
to upturn the lower piece of Ihraam at the waist in order to hold the belt.
to conceal one’s nose, chin or cheek with a cloth.
to eat betel leaves with cloves and/or cardamom.
to look at the “aurah” of one's spouse with sensual pleasure.
for men, to place a gown or coat over the shoulders even if the arms are not in the sleeves.
to apply “ghee”, (clarified butter”), or fat, to the skin.
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