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  1. To wear Ihraam before entering the Meeqaat.


  1. For women to cover their faces in Ihraam when fearing Fitnah. (This covering should not touch the face.)


  1. Whilst in Ihraam:

to avoid use of Itr, (Attar), or anything fragrant.

to avoid cutting or plucking the hair.

to avoid rubbing or scratching excessively which may cause hair to fall out.

for males to be bareheaded.

to avoid covering the face, (except for females when fearing Fitnah).

to avoid cohabitation, love - play or kissing.

to avoid quarrelling, fighting or use of abusive language. 

for males, to avoid wearing of clothing stitched according to the shape of the body.

for males, to avoid wearing footwear which covers the shoelace area and ankles.

to avoid breaking plants or trees within the Haram boundary.

to avoid harming or killing animals, (except for dangerous ones), within the Haram boundary.

to avoid hunting land - based animals or pointing out such to a hunter or to aid him by providing a hunting weapon.

to avoid killing lice or removing them from the body.

to avoid killing locusts.

to avoid putting henna, (mendhi), or scented kohl.

to avoid smelling fragrant fruit or flowers.

to avoid marrying or entering into a contract of marriage.


  1. For men, to shave or trim, (Halq/Qasr), at least a quarter of the head on completion of the Sa'ee in order to be released from Ihraam.




If any of the Waajeeb acts is overlooked because of a valid Shar’ee reason, then the Jazaa falls through.


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copyright February 2006 (Muharram 1427)

(updated December 2013 - Safar 1435)