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  1. To take a bath before wearing the Ihraam. (This also applies to women even though they maybe ceremonially impure).


  1. To put on the Ihraam at the appropriate Meeqaat.


  1. For a Qaarin to assume the Ihraam for both Hajj and Umrah at the appropriate Meeqaat.


  1. To wear the Ihraam of Hajj in the months of Hajj.


  1. For males to wear Ihraam consisting of two sheets of cloth.


  1. To pray two Rakaats Sunnatul Ihraam. (Does not apply to women who are ceremonially impure).


  1. To say the Talbiyyah loudly. (Women should say it softly).


  1. To recite the Talbiyyah thrice whenever it is said.


  1. To pause in the four places as indicated in Kitaabs when saying the Talbiyyah.


  1. To enter Masjidul Haram through Bab-u-Salaam.


  1. To make Duaa on the first sighting of the Kaabaah as Duas made at this instance are most certainly accepted.


  1. For men, to make Idjtibaa, (exposing the right shoulder and arm), in all seven circuits of any Tawaaf which is followed by a Sa’ee.


  1. For men, to shave or trim the entire head in order to be released from the Ihraam.


  1. To perform Halq as opposed to Qasr.  (Women to trim only).


  1. To have Halq/Qasr in Mina in order to be released from the Ihraam of Hajj.


  1. To face the Qibla when having Halq/Qasr.


  1. To recite the Takbeer and engage in Duaa when having Halq/Qasr.


  1. To have the Halq/Qasr by commencing from the right.




  1. It is bad to omit a Sunnat intentionally while there is great reward in observing it.


  1. However, there is no Jazaa for omitting it.


  1. It is not prohibited to make Tayammum instead of Ghusl for Ihraam if water is not available, or if use of water is contraindicated due to a valid Shar'ee reason.


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copyright February 2006 (Muharram 1427)

(updated December 2013 - Safar 1435)