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By a Shar’ee "excuse" or Shar’ee reason is meant fever, extreme environmental temperatures, wound/sores/boils/blisters, pain, a large number of lice, severe headache and all that which results in severe hardships and/or difficulties.
In error; forgetfulness; unconsciousness; sleep and poverty are not regarded as valid Shar'ee excuses.
1. Valid Shar'ee Excuse
If, due to a valid Shar’ee reason, a Muhrim:
giving Damm, or
fasting for three days, or
giving six Masaakeen the amount of a Complete Sadaqah.
fasting for three days, or
giving six Masaakeen the amount of a Complete Sadaqah.
2. Non-Valid Shar'ee Excuse
When the Jinaayaat is due to a non-valid excuse, then the following will apply: