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copyright February 2006 (Muharram 1427)
(updated December 2013 - Safar 1435)
For men (or women), to remove a quarter, or more, of the hair of the head (or beard), voluntarily or otherwise, either by cutting, shaving, pulling out or using creams.
For men (or women) to do as mentioned in (a), involving less than a quarter of the head (or beard).
For women, to remove a finger-joint length of hair, or more.
For women, to remove less than a finger-joint length of hair.
For a male or female, to remove all the hair of one or both armpits, or all the hair below the navel, or all the hair on the neck.
For a male or female, to remove less than that mentioned in (e).
For a Muhrim to remove another Muhrim’s hair.
Damm on the shaven; Complete Sadaqah on the shaver.
For a Muhrim to remove the hair of a non-Muhrim.
“Some” Sadaqah upon the Muhrim; nothing Waajeeb upon the non-Muhrim.
For a non-Muhrim to remove the hair of a Muhrim.
Damm upon the Muhrim; Complete Sadaqah upon the non-Muhrim.
For a Muhrim to remove the moustache of a Muhrim or non-Muhrim.
“Some” Sadaqah upon the cutter.
For a male or female, to remove 1, 2 or 3 strands of hair.
For each strand, a handful of wheat as Sadaqah.
For a male or female, to remove more than 3 strands of hair.
For a male or female, to remove all the hair of the chest, thigh, ankle, shoulder or the upper and lower lip.
For a male or female, to remove hair from different sites of the body at different times or places.
For each cutting, penalty calculated separately.
To remove a quarter of the head in four separate sittings and not giving Kaffaaraah as compensation.
To remove hair from various places on the head in one sitting and if the hair so removed amounted collectively to the amount of hair on a quarter of the head, or more.
To do so as mentioned in (p), and the hair so removed collectively is less than the amount of hair on a quarter of the head.
To remove hair outside the boundaries of the Haram (e.g. Madinah).
- If hair falls due to a valid Shar’ee reason, (e.g. Wudhu/Khilaal), or gets burnt,
(e.g. while cooking), then give a handful of wheat as Sadaqah for every 3 strands.
- No Jazaa becomes due if hair falls off due to an illness or during sleep or on its
- The stipulated penalty becomes Waajeeb whether one removes the hair or has it removed
intentionally, (and whether done under duress or done in a state of forgetfulness).
- There is no penalty for the one who returns within the boundaries of the Haram and
then has his hair removed in order to come out of Ihraam.
- If the size of the hair of a male is shorter than the length of the first finger
joint before shaving or trimming then it is compulsory to perform Halq and not Qasr.
- There is no Jazaa for a Muhrim who combs or grooms his hair, without any falling
of hair; however, he will be sinful due to the act of combing.
- A Muhrim cannot trim the beard/moustache or remove pubic or axillary hair until he has trimmed or shaved the hair of the head. If he did so then a Damm becomes Waajeeb.
- Removing a quarter of the hair of the head or beard does not refer to the length of the hair. Rather, it refers to the surface area from where the hair is removed.
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