Home Jinaayaat/Jazaa Rulings Types of Jazaa Definition of Jazaa Shar'ee Excuses Definition of Jinaayaat Aromatic Substances Bodily Aromatics Incensed Clothing Aromatic Clothing Aromatic Kiswah Aromatic Soap Aromatic Food/Drink Henna & Kohl Sewn Clothes Footwear Head/Face Covering Hair Trimming Nail Cutting Killing Lice/Locusts Hunting Sexual Inclinations Trees & Grass Mawaqeet Arafat Muzdalifah Mina Ramee Tawaaf-e-Ziyyaarat Tawaaf-e-Qudoom Tawaaf-e-Wida Nafl Tawaaf Tawaaf-e-Umrah Sa'ee Sexual Relations References Contact Guest Book Site Map




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copyright February 2006 (Muharram 1427)

(updated December 2013 - Safar 1435)



  1. To repeat this Tawaaf, as mentioned in (a), after renewing Wudhu, will not necessitate the stipulated penalty.


  1. To repeat the Tawaaf as mentioned in (b), after becoming ceremonially pure, will absolve one of the penalty.


  1. To repeat Tawaaful Widaa after re-entering the Meeqat, in Ihraam, and performing an Umrah, will waive the sin and penalty.


  1. Women in a state of Haidh or Nifaas are excused from Tawaaful Widaa if their departure cannot be delayed.  If departure can be delayed and they become ceremonially pure then this Tawaaf becomes Waajeeb.


  1. If the total value of the Sadaqah amounts to the same value as a Damm then a little less should be given.


  1. Tawaaful Wida is not a requirement for those performing Umrah only.


  1. Tawaaful Wida is Waajeeb for all types of Hujjaajj who stay outside the Meeqaat.


  1. Tawaaful Wida is not Waajeeb on the “Ahle Haram” and all those who reside within the boundaries of the Haram.


  1. A person who left Makkah without performing Tawaaf-e-Wida has to return to Makkah and perform it if he has not yet reached the Meeqat. This is Waajeeb. It will now not be necessary to adorn the Ihraam again. If he has already left the Meeqat then he has a choice of either adorning the Ihraam for Umrah and performing the Tawaaf-e-Wida or sending money for a Damm.


  1. It is Makrooh to perform this Tawaaf with Najaasat on the body or clothes. However, no penalty is obligatory.
















































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To perform this Tawaaf without Wudhu.

Complete Sadaqah for every circuit performed.

To perform this Tawaaf in a state of Haidh, Nifaas or Janaabat.
To omit 1, 2 or 3 circuits only without a valid Shar’ee reason.

Complete Sadaqah for every omitted circuit.

To omit 4 or more circuits of this Tawaaf without a valid Shar’ee reason.

To omit Tawaaful Widaa, (=Tawaaf-e-Sadr), without a valid Shar'ee reason.

To use a conveyance without a valid Shar’ee reason.